The Health Benefits of Avocados

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Registered Dietician, talks about the health benefits of avocados.

Registered Dietician, talks about the health benefits of avocados.

Video transcript

Featuring Andy De Santis, RD, MPH, Registered Dietician

Duration: 1 minute, 50 seconds

Native to Mexico and Central America, the humble avocado is now cultivated throughout the world, and in many ways has become the poster child for the nutritional cliché “healthy fat.”

And for good reason. Alongside olives, olive oil, and certain types of nuts, avocado are one of the richest dietary sources of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. It’s actually for this reason avocados are considered much more similar to foods like nuts and seeds than to fruit. Monounsaturated fats are known to lower cholesterol levels, which is an extremely relevant consideration, given that high cholesterol is one of the most common reasons for a medical prescription in North America. 

Avocado are a source of a long list of micronutrients, ranging from B vitamins to folate, but their meaningful quantity of under-consumed nutrients like potassium, fiber, and magnesium are what really allows them to stand out. Given that magnesium and potassium are both blood pressure-lowering nutrients, avocado is an ideal food to incorporate for those with concerns in that area.    

The benefits of avocado intake have been explored in multiple areas, including gut health, where they’ve been demonstrated to strongly contribute to enhancing the quantities of good bacteria, as well as skin health, where their rich array of healthy fats and antioxidant compounds may contribute to delaying skin aging and wrinkles. You’ll hardly find a healthier addition to a bold smoothie or dip.

For more information, contact your local registered dietitian, who can help you create a customized nutrition plan which will significantly improve both your physical and mental health.

Presenter: Andy De Santis, Registered Dietitian, Toronto, ON

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The Health Benefits of Avocados


Avocado are one of the richest dietary sources of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.


Avocado are rich in monounsaturated fats, which are known to lower cholesterol levels.


Avocados are considered much more similar to fruit than to nuts and seeds.


Avocados are considered much more similar to foods like nuts and seeds than to fruit, because they're so rich in monounsaturated fats.


Do you feel strongly that Avocados can help your gut health.

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Avocados contain potassium and magnesium.


Avocados contain potassium and magnesium, which are both blood pressure-lowering nutrients.


Will this information promote you to you eat more avocados,

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How valuable do you belive Foods like avacodo are an important part of disease prevention, management and maintaining good overall health.


A diet rich in vegetables and fruits can lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent some types of cancer, lower risk of eye and digestive problems, and have a positive effect upon blood sugar, which can help keep appetite in check.


This video has helped you understand how healthy foods such as an avacado can help prevent or manage certain health conditions and create change with respect to achieving a healthier lifestyle.


Vegetables and fruit contain antioxidants and phytochemicals, or plant chemicals. These biologically active substances can help to protect you from some diseases. Scientific research shows that if you regularly eat lots of fruit and vegetables, you have a lower risk of diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.


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This content is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.