Case study ( 5063 views as of September 17, 2024 )
John is 55-years-old and was recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. For several years, his doctor has warned him that he was at high risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes due to a strong family history of Type 2 Diabetes, his age and obesity. John is 5 feet 9 inches tall and 220 lbs giving him a body mass index (BMI) of 32.7. John's doctor had encouraged him to lose at least 5% of his body weight (11 lbs) to reduce his risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. Although John made some attempts to lose weight, he wasn't very motivated and never lost more than 5 lbs before regaining the weight back.
Today, John is in to see the registered dietitian to learn more about healthy eating to manage his blood glucose and to lose weight. His doctor has given him 3 months to try and manage his blood glucose before starting medications. He has been testing his blood glucose at home occasionally and is frustrated that his numbers are above target because he tells the dietitian he doesn't eat sweets.
After a review of John's diet, the dietitian identifies a few areas that John can focus on to improve his blood glucose. Although John eats an overall balanced diet and limits his intake of sweets and treats, he does have large portions and often drinks fruit juices.
John does not do any regular physical activity at this point in time. He expresses more motivation not than ever before to lose weight as he is afraid of developing the complications of diabetes and wants to know what he should do to improve his blood glucose.
Along with working with the dietitian to modify his diet to help manage his diabetes, John could benefit from consulting with an exercise specialist to add some physical activity to his routine. It is important for John to continue working with his family doctor and endocrinologist to manage his diabetes, and control his health parameters like blood glucose and blood pressure. A pedorthist could help John get fitted with proper shoes as he starts moving more. John could also try speaking with a wellness coach with help him with goal setting and using his newfound motivation to increase his success with his lifestyle efforts.
Author: Ashley Grachnik
Conversation based on: Lifestyle Management of Type 2 Diabetes " John is 55-years-old and was recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes "
Lifestyle Management of Type 2 Diabetes " John is 55-years-old and was recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes "