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Ms. Nicole Murcutt

Ms. Nicole Murcutt

RYI, Registered Yoga Instructor
Yoga Instructor
Vancouver, BC

How can yoga benefit me during my pregnancy and delivery?


There are many benefits to prenatal yoga, one of them being that it can help alleviate a lot of the common symptoms of pregnancy. It helps relieve any stress and help to ease the mind of the mom-to-be. Also, there's many poses that really prepare you for the labor

benefits prenatal yoga

Prenatal Yoga Benefits

Dr. Daniel Ngui

Dr. Daniel Ngui

Family Doctor
Vancouver, BC

Why should people get vaccinated?


Patients getting immunized as adults can help protect those at highest risk. For example, those who are young, those who are elderly and those who are immunocompromised. If adults get immunized when they’re healthy, it can help with herd immunity, or reduce the risk to transmit conditions to others.

vaccination genhealth

Adult vaccination and the pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine

Mrs. Ali J Chernoff

Mrs. Ali J Chernoff

Registered Dietitian
Vancouver, BC

Do you understand The Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes and Butternut Squash


In addition to their robust antioxidant content, sweet potato and butternut squash are high in blood pressure lowering minerals such as potassium, magnesium and calcium while additionally being high in soluble fibre – a functional food component known to contribute to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. In sum, this makes them exceptional choices for superior cardiovascular health.

nutrition butternut squash on wooden background

The Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes and Butternut Squash

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