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Dr. Brett Heilbron

Dr. Brett Heilbron

Vancouver, BC

Is it safe for me to play hockey?


There are many middle-aged men who enjoy recreational hockey in their spare time, and this has contributed to the term "weekend warrior" (those that sit behind a desk most of the day and then play strenuous sports). It is important to understand that hockey does place a strain on the heart, and to know your risk factors to determine if that adult hockey league is a smart choice for you. Visit your physician to check your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels as part of your healthy heart check-up.

sports hockey skates

Hockey and Cardiovascular Health

Dr. Heather Jenkins

Dr. Heather Jenkins

Family Doctor
Vancouver, BC

Telling your employer you're pregnant.


Part of the planning of being pregnant is also looking ahead to your responsibilities around your work, and your worksite obligations. Common challenges that women have when they’re trying to make decisions about telling their employers about their pregnancy often hinge around when’s a safe time to tell them.

jenkins employer

Telling Your Employer You're Pregnant

Lori Berard

Lori Berard

RN, CDE, Diabetes Educator, Nurse Consultant
Winnipeg, MB

How often should I test my blood sugar?


If you have diabetes, your doctor can help you figure out how often to check your blood sugar. If you are using insulin to help control your diabetes, testing your sugars as often as you take insulin is a general rule of thumb. Also, if you are having any unusual patterns with your activity or eating in a given day, or if you've made a mistake with your medication, it may be wise to test your sugar to catch a potential low blood sugar.

insulin with food

Best Time to Test Blood Glucose Levels

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