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hysical Exercises & Relaxation

Physical exercises and relaxation are the foundation of success in yoga practice. Before we attempt to increase our life energy, the relaxation exercises teach us to preserve the energy we already have by dissolving unnecessary physical and mental tension. At the same time, we learn how to become sensitive to our bodies and understand its strengths and needs.

Physical exercises begin with gentle exercises designed for everybody. These gentle but effective exercises strengthen muscles, increase flexibility of the spine and joints, improve blood circulation and body posture. Good for all, they prepare us to successfully continue through more advanced levels of the yoga, gradually progressing towards the most advanced yoga Asanas (postures). Sense of improved health, feeling of freshness and increase of life energy are the resulting benefits.

  • Breathing Exercises

    Attention to breathing while exercising takes our yoga practice to higher levels. Reestablishing often long-lost natural, slow, deep breathing while performing various yoga exercises and postures, then carried over into our daily life as a new/old habit has a strong positive effect on our health and overall sense of well-being.

    Advanced yoga starts where control of life energies through breathing techniques is brought to perfection.

  • Mental Aspect and Meditation

    The mental aspect and meditation have their special importance in yoga. As happiness in life is a mental state achieved from the outside as well as from the inside, we strive for balance of the two at all times.

    Peace of mind while exercising yoga is the foremost important requirement, whether one decides to proceed with meditation or concentrate on the physical aspect of yoga.

    Meditation techniques then take us on a journey through self-knowledge, self-acceptance towards the final destination of self-realization. There we find our center within, develop understanding, love and compassion for others, and discover the power and radiance of our inner self.

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