Obesity Symptoms & Treatments

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Family Physician discusess obesity causes and treatments. For more information on diabetes please contact your local family physician, registered dietician, or endocrinologist.

Family Physician discusess obesity causes and treatments. For more information on diabetes please contact your local family physician, registered dietician, or endocrinologist.

Video transcript

Featuring Dr. Tasha Bienert, MD
Video Title: Obesity Symptoms & Treatments
Duration: 1 minute, 17 seconds

Obesity is a common condition that we see in the population today.

It's a body mass index of greater than 30, and this includes excess fat that will increase your risk of health concerns.

This is in a variety of areas. If you have an elevated body mass index, you're at risk of a variety of medical conditions. These include increased risk of cardiovascular disease, increased risk of diabetes, you may exhibit sleep apnea, which is a significant medical concern. You can have osteoarthritis of the joints, of the lower body, and finally, it increased your risk of cancers in a variety of types.

If you think that you may have a body mass index that's elevated it is important to speak with your family physician. There is a few reasons for this: one may be a balance between calories going in and expenditure of what you're doing with your fitness, and expenditure of calories.

However, there's also endocrine disorders that can be involved with obesity, such as hypothyroidism and these can be tested for with certain blood tests. In addition, there is psychiatric illness that can be associated with obesity.

If you feel that you have elevated body mass index or your weight is above normal it's important to speak with your family physician.

Video filmed in conjunction with The Copeman Healthcare Centre and Featuring Dr. Tasha Bienert

Presenter: Dr. Tasha Bienert, Family Doctor, Vancouver, BC

Local Practitioners: Family Doctor

Premier Practitioners

Dr. Arshad Hack

Dr. Arshad Hack

Family Doctor
Burlington, ON
Online Booking
Dr. Paul Brodzik

Dr. Paul Brodzik

Family Doctor
Toronto, ON
Dr. Deborah Rabinovitch

Dr. Deborah Rabinovitch

Family Doctor
Toronto, ON
Online Booking

Quiz: Do You Understand Obesity? ( 65 participated.)

97-100 People got two or more of these video questions wrong...


Diabetes is associated with obesity.


Many medical problems such as diabetes, stroke and heart attacks are associated with being overweight or obese.


A BMI over 25 is considered obese.


A Body Mass Index (BMI) between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight. BMI is a statistical measurement of your height and weight. A BMI of 30 or more is considered obese.


Going on a crash diet can lower the metabolism.


Muscle mass effects the metabolic rate. Crash diets can cause muscle loss which can slow the metabolism.


There are medication options for people with obesity.


Yes, commonly prescribed weight loss medications include orlistat, phentermine, buproprion and naltrexone. These medications may be prescribed when other lifestyle changes have not proven effective.


Sleep habits are not associated with obesity.


Sleep habits are associated with obesity. Other common reasons include consuming too many calories, leading a sedentary lifestyle, and certain medications.

This content is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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