Case study ( 10179 views as of February 16, 2025 )
Sunita is a 38 year old woman who has lost more than half her body weight. The combination of laparoscopic bariatric surgery and lifestyle changes have made this dramatic weight loss achievable and sustainable over many months. Currently, she is bothered by loose skin affecting the abdomen, lateral thighs and buttocks. She is undergoing treatment for iron deficiency anemia and aside from that she is generally healthy.
On examination, she is 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighs 150lbs. She has a BMI of 25. There is severe skin laxity involving her arms, back, abdomen, lateral thighs buttocks and medial thighs.
Sunita is an excellent candidate for body contouring surgery. She has a normal BMI and her weight has been stable for more than 6 months. Her primary goal is to tighten the abdominal area, but she would also like to lift the lateral thighs and buttocks. In consultation with a plastic surgeon, it would likely be decided that a lower body lift is the most appropriate procedure for her. In contrast to a tummy tuck, which only improves the abdomen, a lower body lift is circumferential procedure that will tighten the abdomen and lift the lateral thighs and buttocks.
Prior to surgery, it is advisable that she see her family doctor for a complete history and physical. She also may benefit from a consultation with an endocrinologist/internist regarding the management of her iron deficiency anemia. Strengthening and conditioning with a personal trainer, yoga, or pilates may promote a quicker recovery.
Author: Dr. Owen Reid
Conversation based on: Post Weight Loss Body Contouring " Sunita is a 38 year old woman who has lost more than half her body weight "
Post Weight Loss Body Contouring " Sunita is a 38 year old woman who has lost more than half her body weight "