Womens Breast Ultrasounds

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Dr. Ian Gardiner, MD, FRCP(C), Radiologist, discusses breast ultrasound for women.

Dr. Ian Gardiner, MD, FRCP(C), Radiologist, discusses breast ultrasound for women.

Video transcript

Featuring Dr. Ian Gardiner, MD, FRCPC, Radiologist

Duration: 32 seconds

Breast ultrasound is a powerful tool that we use to characterize abnormalities that we've found other ways.

So once we've identified a lesion on a mammogram or if a patient comes in with a lump that she or her physician can feel, we use the ultrasound to characterize it, to tell us whether it's cystic or solid, and also to help us plan a biopsy.

Ultrasound is the simplest, easiest, most comfortable way to have a biopsy.

Presenter: Dr. Ian Gardiner, Radiologist, Vancouver, BC

Local Practitioners: Radiologist

Premier Practitioners

Dr. Ian Gardiner

Dr. Ian Gardiner

Vancouver, BC
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Shyr Chui

Prince George, BC
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Dr. Sarah Koles

Calgary, AB

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