Diabetes & Pregnancy

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Dr. Heather Jenkins, MD, Local Family Physician discusses diabetes and pregnancy.  For more information on diabetes please contact your local family physician or endocrinologist.

Dr. Heather Jenkins, MD, Local Family Physician discusses diabetes and pregnancy.  For more information on diabetes please contact your local family physician or endocrinologist.

Video transcript

Featuring Dr. Heather Jenkins, MD, CCFP

Duration: 2 minutes, 19 seconds

Presenter: Dr. Heather Jenkins, Family Doctor, Vancouver, BC

Local Practitioners: Family Doctor

Premier Practitioners

Dr. Elizabeth Yaworsky

Dr. Elizabeth Yaworsky

Naturopathic Doctor
Windsor, ON
Online Booking
Dr. Carly King

Dr. Carly King

Naturopathic Doctor
Dundas, ON
Online Booking
Dr. Christine Novokowsky

Dr. Christine Novokowsky

Naturopathic Doctor
Grimsby, ON
Online Booking

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Diabetes & Pregnancy


Gestational diabetes occurs when a woman’s body makes too much insulin during her pregnancy.


Gestational diabtes occurs when a woman’s body doesn’t make enough insulin during her pregnancy.


The infant of a woman with gestational diabetes faces increased risk of being born early.


The infant of a woman with gestational diabetes faces increased risk of being born early, being over nine pounds and developing type 2 diabetes.


Gestational diabetes always goes away after delivery.


For many women, gestational diabetes goes away after delivery. However, if it doesn’t it’s called type 2 diabetes.


Exercise helps people with diabetes control their blood sugars.


People with diabetes have the same risk of developing sleep apnea as those without the disease.


Research shows that sleep apnea is about 70% more prevalent in people with type 2 diabetes. Often, this is due to obesity.

This content is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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