Dealing with Anxiety, Phobias or Chronic Worrying in Your Life

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Psychiatrist, discusses Dealing with Anxiety, Phobias or Chronic Worrying in Your Life

Psychiatrist, discusses Dealing with Anxiety, Phobias or Chronic Worrying in Your Life

Video transcript

Featuring Dr. Shimi Kang, BSc., MD, FRCPC, Psychiatrist, Dealing with Anxiety, Phobias or Chronic

Presenter: Dr. Shimi Kang, Psychiatrist, Vancouver, BC

Local Practitioners: Psychiatrist

Premier Practitioners

Dr. Susan Abbey

Dr. Susan Abbey

Toronto, ON
Dr. Bruce Pollock

Dr. Bruce Pollock

Toronto, ON
Dr. Bozenna Lukaszewska-Andziak

Dr. Bozenna Lukaszewska-Andziak

Toronto, ON

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Quiz: Do You Understand Anxiety, Phobias and Chronic Worrying?


Cognitive behavioural therapy is an effective treatment option for anxiety and phobias.


Cognitive behavioural therapy is a treatment option for anxiety and phobias and is up to 80% effective. It involves changing your thinking patterns to better cope with situations.


The only way to treat anxiety effectively is with medications.


While some patients greatly benefit from anxiety medications, it’s not the only options. Some people can manage anxiety symptoms with therapy, exercise and meditation


There are mental health benefits to exercise.


Studies show that exercise may help reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression. Exercise releases powerful chemicals such as endorphins and serotonin, which improve mood and feelings of well-being. It can lower cortisol (also called the “stress hormone”) levels and improve your sleep.


A lack of sleep can increase the impact of anxiety or phobias on a person.


Sleeping helps remove toxic waste byproducts that have accumulated during the day. By getting eight hours of sleep per day, you eliminate toxins and may reduce your risk of heart disease, anxiety and stress.


Caffeine and alcohol have no effect on the symptoms of anxiety, phobias or chronic worrying.


While some people can enjoy caffeine and alcohol in moderation, for others they can be a trigger for anxiety, phobias or chronic worrying.

This content is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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