Heart Health: Children's Cardiology

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Dr. Dan Patton

Dr. Dan Patton

M.D., F.R.C.P. (C)
Kelowna, BC
Dr. Debra Isaac

Dr. Debra Isaac

Calgary, AB

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Specialized care for infants, children and youth with medical disorders including cardiac complications and cardiac defects that require medical management. This service offers the following diagnostic services within the Cardiology Clinic: Pediatric Electrocardiogram (ECG) Lab provides cardiac rhythm evaluation and testing Pediatric Echocardiography Lab specializes in diagnostic ultrasound scanning of the heart

A cardiologist local  is a physician with special training and skill in finding, treating and preventing diseases of the heart like atrial fibrilation cholesterol COPD and blood vessels.  Local Cardiologists work with patients to treat conditions including coronary artery heart  disease, heart attack, atrial fibrillation and irregular heart rhythm. A cardiologist can help you manage risk through nutrition, exercise and lifestyle changes.