What is Basketball-Related Knee Pain? " Sharon a 19-year-old university basketball player "

Case study ( 7752 views as of January 16, 2025 )

Sharon, a 19-year-old university basketball player, presents for evaluation of her right knee. She injured it in a game two weeks ago and while landing a layup came down on her right leg. Her knee felt as if it twisted and she heard a pop. She was unable to weight bear fully and had to be carried off the court. She developed swelling in the knee and had some lateral-sided pain. She has never injured this knee before.

A physical examination of Sharon's injury reveals a minor residual hemarthrosis with only mild loss of full extension. She is not tender to palpation over either joint line or about the knee. Her ligament exam reveals her to be stable to testing of the MCL, LCL and PCL. She has a positive Lachman test with a soft endpoint and a positive pivot shift. There are no other abnormalities with her examination.

Sharon could possibly benefit from seeing a radiologist for proper diagnosis of her injury, a physiotherapist for optimal treatment and an orthopedic surgeon knowledgeable about sports injuries.


Conversation based on: What is Basketball-Related Knee Pain? " Sharon a 19-year-old university basketball player "

What is Basketball-Related Knee Pain? " Sharon a 19-year-old university basketball player "

  • The rectus abdominis is commonly referred to as the "six-pack" muscle because it is responsible for the appearance of the abdominal muscles in a well-toned individual. It is divided into segments by fibrous bands called tendinous intersections, which give it a segmented or "six-pack" appearance. At the superior (upper) end, the rectus abdominis connects to the xiphoid process. The xiphoid process is a small, cartilaginous extension at the lower end of the sternum (breastbone). It serves as an attachment point for various muscles and ligaments, including the rectus abdominis. The rectus abdominis plays a crucial role in trunk flexion, which involves bringing the chest towards the pelvis. It is involved in various movements such as sit-ups, crunches, and other exercises that require bending or flexing the trunk forward. It's worth noting that the abdominal region is composed of several other muscles as well, including the external and internal obliques, transversus abdominis, and the deeper muscles of the core. Together, these muscles provide stability, support, and contribute to various movements of the trunk.
  • When the bursae become inflamed or irritated, a condition known as bursitis can occur. Hip bursitis specifically refers to the inflammation or irritation of one or more bursae located around the hip joint. The most commonly affected bursa in the hip is the trochanteric bursa, which is located on the outside of the hip. Hip bursitis can result from various causes, such as repetitive motions, overuse, trauma, prolonged pressure on the hip joint, or certain medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or gout. It often manifests as pain and tenderness in the hip region, especially during activities such as walking, climbing stairs, or lying on the affected side. The pain may worsen with prolonged activity or pressure on the hip. Treatment for hip bursitis typically involves a combination of self-care measures and medical interventions. Resting the hip, applying ice packs, and taking over-the-counter pain relievers may help alleviate symptoms. Physical therapy exercises can strengthen the muscles around the hip and improve flexibility. In more severe cases, a doctor may recommend corticosteroid injections or, rarely, surgical intervention. If you're experiencing symptoms of hip bursitis or any other medical condition, it's always advisable to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
  • The case study indicates that Sharon had never injured this knee before. Basketball is hard on the knees. Isn't it possible that while compensating for a prior injury to the other knee, she weakened this one ?
  • Would she benefit from an MRI?
    • It sounds like she could benefit first from a series of xrays
  • So if you plant and twist, or you lose your footing somehow, you will potentially tear your ACL. People that tear their ACL will oftentimes say that they feel a pop or heard a pop in their knee. And then their knee feels loose or unstable, or it felt as if their knee shifted.
    • Is it really that easy to tear your ACL ? Or do people have wear and tear on the ligament they aren't aware of, which makes it susceptible to tearing ?
  • How common is this type of injury ? What is the most common cause ?
    • I think knee injuries in basketball players is incredibly common due to the jumping and stress on the legs
  • What is a Lachman test ?
    • The Lachman test is a clinical test used to diagnose injury of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). It is recognized as reliable, sensitive, and usually superior to the anterior drawer test. The knee is flexed at 20–30 degrees with the patient supine. The examiner should place one hand behind the tibia and the other on the patient's thigh. It is important that the examiner's thumb be on the tibial tuberosity. The tibia is pulled forward to assess the amount of anterior motion of the tibia in comparison to the femur. An intact ACL should prevent forward translational movement ("firm endpoint") while an ACL-deficient knee will demonstrate increased forward translation without a decisive 'end-point' - a soft or mushy endpoint indicative of a positive test. More than about 2 mm of anterior translation compared to the uninvolved knee suggests a torn ACL ("soft endpoint"), as does 10 mm of total anterior translation. A special instrument can be used to determine the magnitude of movement in mm. This test can be done in either an on-field evaluation in acute injury, or in a clinical setting when a patient presents for follow-up with knee pain.
  • She should be resting the knee while waiting for a proper diagnosis. She could end up with lifelong problems if not properly treated
  • This is a typical injury for a basketball player and should be looked at immediately after happening by someone qualified to make a good assessment.
    • I would think that knee injuries would be common in basketball players