Canadian Mental Health Association - Calgary Region
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At the Canadian Mental Health Association, we take a holistic approach to mental health and wellness which incorporates body, mind, and spirit. In Calgary Region, we strive to achieve a wellness model based on the following framework:

A Wellness Model Guides CMHA - Calgary Region
· Our wellness approach engages the whole person by supporting each person's unique balance of physical, mental, spiritual, and social needs.

· We view the human experience as a journey towards one’s optimal wellness.

· We believe that people are not their disorders and understand that individuals routinely experience “health within disorder”. Through this understanding we support a “strengths- based” approach in the development and delivery of our services.

CMHA - Calgary Region Implements the Wellness Model by:
· Delivering programs and services that deal with the whole person in an empowering manner that facilitates individual growth.

· Moving beyond symptom management to the broader needs of the individual and his or her significant support networks.

· Establishing quality of life indicators as our measures for successful outcomes for each individual client.