Butterfly Strength Exercise

Butterfly Strength Exercise

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Jackson Sayers, B.Sc. (Kinesiology), discusses lower back butterfly strength exercises.
Jackson Sayers, B.Sc. (Kinesiology), discusses lower back butterfly strength exercises.
Video transcript

Featuring Jackson Sayers, B.Sc. (Kinesiology)

Duration: 1 minute, 4 seconds

Another variation to the low back on the ball is involving a motion where you take your legs out, in and out.

This is going to put a lot more pressure on your low back, especially your lumbar musle groups. So you want to really be thinking about going at a nice, slow controlled pace, because as you remember the most important thing that we can focus on is keeping your stomach in a nice state of isometric contraction and keeping your gluteal muscles and your bum contracted.

If we can go in and out in a nice steady fashion as you can well imagine it's really going to lengthen those lumbar muscles we have in our back, it's really going to make them work, and this motion is a very good motion for allowing that lumbar muscle to get that strength, in it, to get some length in it.

So nice slow steady motion, upper body's nice and relaxed. The problems we're going to get with those motions are all centered in the low back. So you always want to be thinking keep my muscles and my stomach very tight, and watch any kind of pain we get in our low back.

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butterfly exercises during pregnancy
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low back exercises
lower back exercises
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upper body exercises
lumbar muscle exercises
upper back exercises
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Presenter: Mr. Jackson Sayers, Kinesiologist, Vancouver, BC

Local Practitioners: Kinesiologist

This content is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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