Tree Nut Allergies

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Registered Dietician, talks about tree nut allergies and how symptoms can present if injested.

Registered Dietician, talks about tree nut allergies and how symptoms can present if injested.

Video transcript

Featuring Andy De Santis, RD, MPH, Registered Dietician

Duration: 41 seconds

Tree nut and peanut allergies are relatively common and ranked among the 9 most frequent allergens in Canada.

It’s important to note that although these allergies are separate from each other, a good number of people with a peanut allergy also tend to have a tree nut allergy.

It’s also true that, due to the nature of peanut allergy, those who have it may be more likely to be allergic to soy and legumes like peas and lentils. As with other allergies, symptoms can range from difficulty breathing, diarrhea, hives and vomiting to anaphylaxis – often relatively soon after consuming the food.

Presenter: Andy De Santis, Registered Dietitian, Toronto, ON

Local Practitioners: Registered Dietitian

Premier Practitioners

Dr. Scott Cameron

Dr. Scott Cameron

Victoria, BC
Online Booking
Dr. Amin Kanani

Dr. Amin Kanani

Surrey, BC
Dr. Siobhan Perkins

Dr. Siobhan Perkins

Surrey, BC

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Tree Nut Allergies


Tree nut and peanut allergies are rare.


Tree nut and peanut allergies are relatively common.


Many people with a peanut allergy also have a tree nut allergy.


Many people with a peanut allergy also have a tree nut allergy.


People with a peanut allergy are more likely to be allergic to soy and legumes.


People with a peanut allergy are more likely to be allergic to soy and legumes.


Nut allergy symptoms don't include diarrhea.


Nut allergy symptoms can range from difficulty breathing, diarrhea, hives and vomiting to anaphylaxis.


Nut allergy symptoms usually take hours to appear.


Nut allergy symptoms often occur relatively soon after consuming the food.

This content is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.