Sleep Disorders & Obesity

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Endocrinologist, discusses sleep disorders and obesity.  For more information on obesity and related health conditions, please contact your local family physician or endocrinologist.

Endocrinologist, discusses sleep disorders and obesity.  For more information on obesity and related health conditions, please contact your local family physician or endocrinologist.

Video transcript

Featuring Dr. Richard Bebb, MD, ABIM, FRCPC

Duration: 1 minute, 35 seconds

Deprivation of sleep or sleep disorders have been associated with an increased risk of obesity and gaining weight.

That would include primary sleep disorders, sleep apnea, or just purely lack of sleep because of lifestyle obligations, whether you’ve got two jobs or a child that’s waking you up and you can’t get restorative sleep.

The mechanism of how it is that sleep deprivation causes you to gain weight isn’t clear, but it is very clear and it has been shown in numerous studies that not getting enough sleep will increase your risk of gaining weight.

It’s been shown, for example, if you sleep deprive individuals, which has been done, they will eat more the next day, and unfortunately they’ll gravitate to not ideal food choices that are high glycemic index.

We all know that happens; it boosts your energy for an hour or so. In women who are breastfeeding, they’re losing weight as they breastfeed, but if they don’t get, for example, five or more hours of sleep they don’t lose weight as quickly.

There’s even a study that’s shown that if you try to partake in a weight loss program, if you’re sleep deprived it won’t be successful. So, it’s critical when addressing obesity to make sure you’re getting a good night’s sleep.

If you think you have a sleep disorder, if you think you have a problem with your weight, discuss it with your primary practitioner.

Presenter: Dr. Richard Bebb, Endocrinologist, Victoria, BC

Local Practitioners: Endocrinologist

This content is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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