Lower Back Pain in Golf

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Johnny Yiu, physiotherapist, discusses lower back pain in golf.

Johnny Yiu, physiotherapist, discusses lower back pain in golf.

Video transcript

Featuring: Johnny Yiu, BHK, MPT
Marpole Physiotherapy Clinic
Duration: 1 minute, 10 seconds

Low back pain can be a common complaint found in golfers due to the full back swing and full downward rotational force of the swing.

When you do that swing, there is a significant amount of force as placed on the facet joints of low back, which are the joints down here.

Low back pain is typically seen in the lumbar vertebrae which includes the L1, L2, L3, L4 and L5, S1 is the sacrum which is what we consider your sit bone or your tailbone.

The disks also have compressive forces when we do that sheer rotation, and when we rotate, you can see how there’s forces along the disk there. In a golf swing, there is a full back swing and also a full downward acceleration into a follow through.

That rotary force is what places a lot of compression on these disks and facet joints which are on the side. 

Presenter: Mr. Johnny Yiu, Physiotherapist, Vancouver, BC

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