Wellness Coaching and Lifestyle Changes - Peggy a 67-year-old woman

Case study ( 5578 views as of October 25, 2024 )

Peggy is a 67-year-old woman who retired from her teaching career two years ago. She spends her free time playing cards with her friends, helping watch her grandson occasionally, and volunteers at her local food bank once a week. Peggy used to go to a water aerobics class at her local recreation centre twice a week, but stopped going 9 months ago when her favourite instructor left to have a baby.

Peggy visits her family doctor for her annual check-up. Her height is 5 feet 6 inches, and her weight is 203 lbs. Her waist circumference is 97 cm and her blood pressure is 132/84 mmHg. Peggy's doctor begins to explain the importance of reducing her waist size to Peggy, and she interrupts him by saying that she knows everything he is about to say and she knows what she has to do. Her doctor reminds her that they have had the same conversation at every visit for the past 5 years, and Peggy really does need to address her weight in order to prevent complications to her health like metabolic syndrome, diabetes and/or heart disease. Her doctor does not start Peggy on a blood pressure medication as her measurement in the office today is borderline, and he wants to give her a chance to tackle the lifestyle changes that are needed to improve her health. Peggy is given a 6-month deadline to put some lifestyle changes in place, or she will be prescribed medication to control her blood pressure.

Peggy would benefit from consulting a registered dietitian and an exercise specialist in order to understand the steps she could take with her diet and activity level to address her waist size. Peggy claims she is ready to change, but has not been successful in making the lifestyle changes as of yet, and she could consult with a wellness coach to support her efforts.


Conversation based on: Wellness Coaching and Lifestyle Changes - Peggy a 67-year-old woman

Wellness Coaching and Lifestyle Changes - Peggy a 67-year-old woman

  • Dementia is not a specific disease, rather, a cluster of conditions that are really typified by a decrease in brain function. Just like there's kidney failure and heart failure, dementia really can be thought of as brain failure. Typically, it presents as a loss of brain function, but in practical words, it really presents as a concern about your memory or a loved one's memory, and also, a loss of function, or maybe a problem with language, or their ability to do complex tasks. It can have a number of causes, some of which are reversible. So, it's important to seek medical attention if you have concerns about somebody – either yourself or a loved one – having dementia. One of the things that your primary healthcare provider will do is rule out reversible problems, like, for example, problems with your thyroid, deficiency in Vitamin B12 – but it can also have metabolic problems. If your calcium levels or other functions in your body aren't working properly, it does affect your memory and your brain's functioning. Just remember that treatment for your condition will vary with the individual and the condition they may have. So, always consult your primary healthcare provider for more information.
  • Any changes to diet and exercise should not be drastic. Everything should be done in moderation to ensure the person is able to sustain the change. Perhaps seeking help with a dietitian would be a good first step.
    • Every change needs to be able to be sub stained long term and thus drastic never works.
    • I think getting third party advise in this situation is very valuable and helps with clarity of miss information.
  • Changing a lifestyle can be tricky, especially when habits are well developed. Any good coach (dietary, exercise, wellness, etc) would be ready to work with Peggy to set goals and make changes that she feels are attainable. It's really important to consider that what one specialist may see as a priority might be too far-reaching for Peggy right off the bat. Keeping her perspective and thoughts in mind might translate into better long-term success for Peggy if she feels included in decision-making and goal-setting!
    • Yes I agree with Allie in that Peggy needs to be careful with lifestyle habits and changing them and its important to make realistic changes at her pace. Seeking help is a great idea.
  • Making lasting lifestyle changes is very difficult. Its been my experience that it is harder for older individuals because they often feel they have to give up "everything". A wellness coach can provide guidance
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