Case study ( 7873 views as of February 16, 2025 )
Bill is a 37-year-old ad executive who travels a lot on planes. He has little time to exercise except on weekends and sometimes when the hotel has a gym. Bill has been complaining about a sore lower back and tail bone for about 6 weeks. Bill was referred by his family doctor to a Kinesiologist or a personal trainer to strengthen his lower back muscles, gluteal muscles and loosen his quadriceps. The doctor also noticed that his hamstrings appeared very tight and were likely very weak due to all of the sitting.
Bill did see a kinesiologist who helped him work on strengthening his hamstrings and low back muscles. He also recommended that Bill see a physiotherapist or a chiropractor to check joint mobility and a massage therapist to help loosen his psoas and hip flexors. Yoga was also recommended in order to help Bill get into a regular stretching routine. If the pain did not diminish after approximately 3 months it was recommended he get an MRI on his spine to ensure there were no other abnormalities.
Author: Mr. Jackson Sayers
Conversation based on: Lower Back Pain Caused From Inactivity and Muscle Weakness " Bill is a 37-year-old ad executive who travels a lot on planes "
Lower Back Pain Caused From Inactivity and Muscle Weakness " Bill is a 37-year-old ad executive who travels a lot on planes "