Scoliosis in a Young Athlete " Michelle is a 14-year-old competitive gymnast "

Case study ( 7779 views as of February 10, 2025 )

Michelle is a 14-year-old competitive gymnast who trains five days per week at the local gym. She is very competitive, and has her eyes on an upcoming international competition in six months time, which will influence eligibility for the National Olympic team. She has been having pain most days in her mid-back, but it has not stopped her from training.

Michelle was told in the past that most girls with her degree of scoliosis don’t require surgery. Her parents and her coach are both concerned that the daily pain may indicate further deterioration in the future.

Michelle may benefit from a visit to her family physician who may then refer her to a rheumatologist, orthopedic surgeon and/or physiotherapist. Michelle may also benefit from the services of a chiropractor, massage therapist and bracing specialist. Michelle could also consider consulting with a personal trainer, pharmacist and/or yoga instructor to help manage her symptoms.


Conversation based on: Scoliosis in a Young Athlete " Michelle is a 14-year-old competitive gymnast "

Scoliosis in a Young Athlete " Michelle is a 14-year-old competitive gymnast "