Diagnosis and Treatment of Gout " George is a 46-year-old plumber with pain and swelling in his big toe"

Case study ( 8793 views as of September 14, 2024 )

George is a 46-year-old plumber who recently has developed episodes of pain and swelling in his big toe. George is on medication for high blood pressure. The most recent episode came after a birthday celebration where he probably had more alcohol than he should have. He is pretty sure he has gout and wants to get it under control as soon as possible as he cannot afford to miss work.

George could benefit from seeing his family doctor and asking what is gout and how can it be prevented. A nutritionist may help by suggesting ways to change his diet in order to prevent his gout, and a personal trainer can help George maintain a consistent exercise program to promote heart health and good circulation. He may also benefit from seeing a cardiologist to check that his blood pressure is controlled and that his heart is healthy.


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Diagnosis and Treatment of Gout " George is a 46-year-old plumber with pain and swelling in his big toe"

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