Case study ( 4445 views as of January 15, 2025 )
Jim is a 31 year old male whose last exam was 8 months ago. He feels his vision has worsened. He reports good health and currently takes not medication.
Current glasses provide 20/40 acuity and this can be improved to 20/20 with an increase in the myopic correction. On retinal examination, numerous haemorrhages were found int the mid periphery and the periphery of both eyes.
He was referred to a retinal specialist to confirm the diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy. He should be seen by his family doctor and possibly an Endocrinologist. He might also benefit from seeing a Diabetic Nurse Educator and a Dietitian, as sudden changes in his vision can be a result of fluctuations in blood glucose levels. He should also visit his local pharmacist to discuss blood glucose monitors for self monitoring at home.
Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness int he western world. It can affect all organs in the body but is commonly detected first in the eyes.
Author: Dr. David Mitchell
Conversation based on: Diagnosing Diabetic Retinopathy
Diagnosing Diabetic Retinopathy