Case study ( 7014 views as of February 12, 2025 )
Nadia is a 22-year-old martial arts instructor who was demonstrating a jumping spinning kick when she had a bad landing. She over-rotated and landed on the outside of her foot, rolling her ankle inwards. She felt an instant “crack” and was sure she had broken her ankle. It got very swollen almost instantly, and she was not able to bear any weight on it.
Nadia was assisted to the local emergency department, where she was examined and x-rayed, and told she had no fractures. She was told that it was “just a sprain”, and that it would improve with time. However, she is very worried, as she knows others who have taken a long time to get better. Also, if she can’t teach, she won’t earn any money to support her college tuition.
Nadia should visit her family physician for a follow-up review of her injury, and possibly a referral to a sports medicine specialist. She may wish to consult with a physiotherapist and perhaps a bracing specialist. An athletic therapist/personal trainer could help her rehabilitate her ankle injury, and a pharmacist could review pain management with her. Some of the items Nadia may need to support her rehabilitation could be found at a first aid supply store or Cryo-cuff supplier. Nadia may also decide to visit a private imaging clinic for either a CT or MRI to gain additional perspective of her injury.
Author: Dr. Adam Lund
Conversation based on: Ankle and Foot Sprains " Nadia a 22-year-old martial arts instructor "
Ankle and Foot Sprains " Nadia a 22-year-old martial arts instructor "