Wilson Banwell Human Solutions Inc.
Wilson Banwell Human Solutions Inc.
Suite 1600 - 355 Burrard St.
Vancouver, BC V6C 2G8
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Our philosophy

To contribute to the health, wellness, and functioning of the organization through careful human solutions responses to the mental, social, workplace and health needs of its employees.

Our values

Confidentiality. Information we acquire as a result of our work is treated as strictly confidential.

Objectivity. Our work has influence. However, we apply that influence without bias and keep the distance necessary to maintain trust in our involvement.

Service dedication. We engage in work with clients only when our qualifications to do so are clear. We dedicate ourselves to meeting our clients' expectations for service continuity and integrity.

Human dignity. Whether resolving an individual problem or assisting in an organization's vital changes, we do so in a manner that maintains an individual's dignity and self-worth.

Professionalism. We are subject to peer review and conduct our services according to the standards of practice and code of ethics set down by our provincial and federal licensing bodies.

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