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Pilates /Yoga fusion The Pilates method helps to achieve a natural coordination of the body and mind through a series of progressive exercises that combine breath work and mental focus with physical alignment and core strength.

Deeksha a hands-on energy transfer of divine grace.

Hatha Yoga is the classical form of yoga postures and breathing that revitalizes the body physically, mentally and spiritually.

Flow moves gently and fluidly through the postures. Basic alignment and breath work are introduced. It is a great class for stress reduction.

Stretch classes bring freedom in to the hip and shoulder joints to relieve pain and tension in the legs, arms, chest and spine.

Power classes link classic yoga postures together with a flowing breath.

Meditation classes teach essential skills and theory to establish a simple, effective meditation practice that will enhance all aspects of your life.

Anusara yoga Anusara means flowing with grace. It is an integrated form of Hatha yoga that blends the art of inner body awareness with the science of biomechanics.