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 Beginner Yoga

Perfect for those with little or no background in yoga. Physical postures (asana), breathing and relaxation techniques (pranayama), and meditation are all taught at a slow and easy to understand pace, in a safe environment. Benefits of the class include, but are not limited to; strength, flexibility, balance and learning to still the mind.
This is a beginner yoga class.

Family Yoga

Come and enjoy some time with your child as we play games, breathe, practice yoga postures through stories and do guided relaxation. Perfect for those with little or no background in yoga. This class provides many benefits for you and your child, physically, mentally and emotionally.
This class is for children ages 6-12 with their family members.

Freestyle Ashtanga

Takes the basic standing and seated postures of the traditional ashtanga flow and vinyasas, tossed in with various other postures, balances and modifications to enhance an overall, well balanced yoga practice. This is a strong and energetic class for those who love to sweat and challenge themselves!
This class is suitable for someone with a regular practice.

Gentle Yoga

The class blends Hatha Yoga (stretching), Pranayama (deep breathing), Pratyahara (relaxation techniques) and
helpful hints for a healthier life. Everyone is encouraged to work at their own pace. The class begins with standing/balancing poses to align the body and focus the mind, then sitting and prone asanas to strengthen muscles and internal organs. A simple meditation is also introduced. Those with health concerns are encouraged to come to class as, if needed, you will be given alternative ways of doing the asanas to help your health improve. The result is a more relaxed, centered and inspired You. We also laugh a lot in class!