Howdle McLean Physiotherapy
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Physiotherapy services including acupuncture for athletes, injured workers, or anyone injured in a motor-vehicle accident.

Case Management

Is a collaborative process which assesses, plans, implements, coordinates, monitors, and evaluates options and services to meet an individual's health, vocational or rehabilitation needs. This is achieved through communication with available resources to promote quality, cost-effective outcomes.

As a Case Manager, my role is focused on coordinating and monitoring a client's medical rehabilitation needs as a result of an injury or chronic disease.

Permanent Impairment Measurements

Many insurance companies utilize range of motion measurements to determine Permanent Impairment Ratings.

We utilize standardized and validated measurement tools and methods for evaluation of neck, back, and all other joint range of motion. These measurements can take 1 to 1.5 hours to evaluate and document properly.

Independent Physiotherapy Examinations

A head-to-toe physiotherapy examination to document objective physical findings.

Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCE's)

Functional Capacity Evaluations are also described as Functional Abilities Evaluation (FAE). I utilize a process in which a very detailed psychosocial and employment history taken.

Resistive, lifting tests and aerobic testing are then performed to identify guidelines for safe return to work or a baseline for a functional rehabilitation process. There are many different packaged FCE's. My philosophy and approach is to answer the question(s) that are posed. ie Can Mr./Ms. Client go back to work? If not, why not, and what steps are recommended to achieve that goal?

The joint Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy functional evaluation process allows objective identification of the client's abilities related to the physical demands of the job. If they do not match at the time of the evaluation what can be changed to create a match. ie strengthening of the client versus decreasing the physical job demands at work so that additional strength is no longer a requirement.

A Job Demands Analysis may be required as part of the FCE. Modifying how a job task is done can also decrease the strain on the client and allow them to return to work safely without need for further rehabilitation.

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