Related Treatment Videos

General Dentistry - including, white fillings i.e. metal free or mercury free fillings, Cleaning, Crowns and Bridges, partial dentures, over dentures and complete Dentures.

Cosmetic Dentistry - We offer laser teeth whitening which acts like the Zoom whitening system sometimes used on the television program “extreme makeover“, Veneers, bonding and white fillings

Surgical Dentistry - including Extractions and wisdom teeth removal, Periodontal and gum Surgeries

Implant Dentistry - includes Dental Implants for individual and multiple missing teeth including implants retained/supported dentures. 

Family dentistry - including children’s dentistry.

Orthodontics - We offers Invaslign orthodontics which is invisible/removable braces.

Root Canal Treatments – We performs root canals on anterior and posterior teeth including some endodontic re treatments.