Role of a Pedorthist

Role of a Pedorthist

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Pedorthist discusses the role of a pedorthist in foot health.

Pedorthist discusses the role of a pedorthist in foot health.

Video transcript

Featuring Mike Neugebauer, C.Ped (C), Pedorthist

Duration: 42 seconds

A pedorthist is an expert in the modification and designing of custom footwear and custom foot orthotics.

They look at the abnormalities and the biomechanics in the lower extremity, and biomechanics. It's someone who will help with balancing and alleviating pain to the lower limb and foot structures.

If you want to see a pedorthist, you want to go to your local family physician, your physiot or your chiropractor. It's those individuals that can give you a direct referral to a pedorthist.

Presenter: Mr. Mike Neugebauer, Pedorthist, Langley, BC

Local Practitioners: Pedorthist

This content is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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