Green Tea - A Beverage with a Healthy Boost

Green Tea - A Beverage with a Healthy Boost

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Registered Dietician, talks about the health benefits of green tea.

Registered Dietician, talks about the health benefits of green tea.

Video transcript

Green tea - a beverage with a healthy boost Featuring Andy De Santis, RD, MPH, Registered Dietician

Duration: 1 minute, 15 seconds

If super foods exist, then super beverages do too, and green tea is absolutely one of them. Green tea contains, per serving, more unique antioxidant compounds than most foods including specific types of polyphenols known as green tea polyphenols or GTPs as well as flavanols.

There are a number of practical benefits associated with a higher intake of these protective compounds which include: 1. A reduction on bodily inflammatory markers 2. A boost to the human gut microbiome 3. A boost to the functionality of the immune system 4. A reduction in the signs skin and cellular aging, among others.

From a practical perspective, green tea offers its drinkers a coffee alternative with about half the amount of caffeine per serving which could be particularly appealing to caffeine sensitive individuals or those who tend to consume larger amounts on a daily basis trying to moderate their intake.

Although no one needs to drink green tea to live happily or healthily, it certainly has the potential to contribute positively to our health and longevity.

Presenter: Andy De Santis, Registered Dietitian, Toronto, ON

Local Practitioners: Registered Dietitian

This content is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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