Breast Implant Safety

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Dr Nancy Van Laeken MD, FRCSC, Plastic Surgeon discusses breast implant safety.
Dr Nancy Van Laeken MD, FRCSC, Plastic Surgeon discusses breast implant safety.
Video transcript

Featuring Dr. Nancy Van Laeken, MD, FRCSC
,Breast Implant Safety
Breast Implant Safety Duration: 55 seconds

Breast implants are very safe. There are a number of different varieties available on the market today. 

Some are filled with saline, some are filled with silicone and the silicone has different properties. There are many different implants in terms of shape, size and volume, and the selection that is made for the patient is dependent on what their anatomy is and what the outcome is that they are trying to achieve.

Younger patients may want more fullness in the upper pole of the breast or the patient may not want to have that shape but want to have some the skin filled out in the lower pole of the breast, so those discussions are had with the patient and the surgeon who will be doing the operation. 
Sometimes saline is selected and other times one of the various types of gel implants are selected. So again, I would suggest that the patient seek a consultation and spend sometime discussing what the options are with a surgeon who will be doing the procedure.

Presenter: Dr. Nancy Van Laeken, Plastic Surgeon, Vancouver, BC

Local Practitioners: Plastic Surgeon

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