The Dental Implant Institute of Montreal
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Restoring the health of your teeth:

    * Total Dental Care
    * The Procedures
    * Implants

Your Dental Evaluation
The purpose of this evaluation is to help Dr. Bernstein decide on your dental restorative requirements. To make that decision we will need to take your dental and medical history, perform a full mouth examination, and carry out some diagnostic tests.

Your dental and medical history will answer such questions as:

    * whether your teeth are painful or sensitive
    * whether you have had prior gum or jaw problems
    * and whether you have any crowns, bridges or partial dentures.
    * Dr. Bernstein will also ask you about current or previous medical problems because some conditions can affect your dental treatment.
    * In addition, you will be asked about medications you are currently taking.

The full mouth examination will determine the condition of your gums, teeth, bite and jaw. All of these are important factors in evaluating you as a candidate for teeth restoration. During your exam, we will perform such diagnostic tests as X-rays and diagnostic casts. These tests are painless and are important to determine the exact health of your teeth and the bones that support them.

After the examination, Dr. Bernstein will consult with you and he will advise you to have one or more of the following treatments depending upon your particular assessment.

ZOOM! Professional Whitening System
The Zoom! Chair side whitening method is designed to lighten the discoloration of enamel and dentin. The procedure uses a Hydrogen Peroxide based gel in conjunction with the Zoom! lamp, in order to maximize results in a minimal amount of time. During the procedure, the whitening gel is applied to the teeth which are exposed to the Zoom! lamp for 3 sessions of 15 minutes each. The shade of your teeth will be verified and recorded before and after Zoom!.