Clinical Services

  • Acupuncture
  • Clinical Nutrition
  • Powerful energetic techniques that offer physical and emotional pain relief, as well as help resolve conflicts: “Emotional Freedom Technique” – EFT  and “Whole Health - Easily and Effectively” – WHEE
  • Herbal Medicine
  • Homeopathy
  • Stress Management, Relaxation and Visualization sessions
  • Various Tests

In addition to standard examinations and conventional blood tests, the following are also offered, when warranted:
    •  In-house urine tests
    •  Specialized urine, stool and blood laboratory tests
    •  Electrodermal Testing according to Voll (EAV)

Lectures, Workshops
In keeping with the Naturopathic Medicine principle:

To teach the principles of healthy living and preventive medicine

lectures and workshops on various health topics are offered in either of the official languages to businesses and other interested groups.

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