Spectrum Health Care is a comprehensive nursing and homemaking organization that has been delivering community health services since 1977. A privately owned Canadian corporation, Spectrum Health Care offers a full range of in-home, private duty and staff relief services for L.T.C. facilities, health care institutions, corporations and schools. As a community and home health care agency, Spectrum Health Care is fully accredited by Accreditation Canada.

Spectrum Health Care’s clients rely on our qualified nurses and personal support workers to provide quality care in the following areas:

  • Long-Term Care
  • Geriatric
  • Post Surgery
  • Palliative Care
  • Rehabilitation
  • Respite Care
  • Corporate Wellness
  • Foot Care
  • Wound Care

We provide services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on a visit/hourly/shift basis. Our offices are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with “live” coordination of services. Since providing efficient and responsive service to our Clients is paramount in all aspects of our organization, we ensure that all employees – from direct service providers to administrative staff – practice a client-centered approach.

We are currently providing government funded home care services for Nursing, Homemaking, and Personal Support Services to five Community Care Access Centres (CCACs). They include:

  • Toronto Central
  • Central
  • Central East
  • Central West
  • Mississauga Halton

We are a Vendor of Record for community health services with the City of Toronto, as well as Veterans Affairs Canada. We are a trusted provider of services to the federally funded Interim Federal Health Program, which is designed to service the health care needs of refugees without landed immigrant status. We have long-standing relationships as a contracted provider of staffing services to a number of long-term care facilities.