Massage Therapy
There's nothing like massage therapy for toning muscles and for soothing bruised, stiff, tight or spasmodic joints. By stroking, kneading, vibrating, tapping and stretching the skin, your tense muscles, and your entire being, relax and regenerate!

"Sanita per aqua" : health through water. According to some specialists, the latin "Sanita per aqua" could be the origin of the word "spa". 2000 years ago, the Romans were already using the therapeutic effects of water for healing. In the 19th century, a German priest, Sebastian Kneipp, reintroduced water treatments as a therapeutic approach. Spa Eastman is proud to offer you the most effective hydrotherapy treatments resulting from two thousand years of knowledge

Body Therapy

Taking care of your body also means catering to your spiritual side. And that's precisely the objective of the different body treatments offered at the Spa Eastman. The goal is to clean, purge, lighten, purify and invigorate your body from your head to your toes. Your body will thank you.

Beauty Treatments
Feeling beautiful means feeling great. Having a beauty treatment at the Spa Eastman will make your spirits soar. Whether you want to give your face, your feet, your back or your entire body a glow, you will leave completely transformed.

The Hair Spa

Hair specialists who are totally devoted to your well being and relaxation... The Hair Spa offers a complete range of specialized treatments created to deeply nourish and repair hair, from the roots to the ends. With the Hair Spa, Spa Eastman offers relaxation and a rare chance for renewal... from head to toe!

When you need to know more about yourself, seeing a specialist can often make the difference. At the Spa Eastman, you can count on the support of specialists from a number of different areas to find ways to improve your physical, psychological or spiritual condition. By consulting

Health Cures

Starting with a complete naturopathic / nutrition evaluation, our "Health & Wellness Immersion" packages invite you to experiment a vacation dedicated to improve your over-all well-being through the benefits of a cure. A naturopath will supervise you during your personalized cure (raw food, grape cure, tonic cure or another type of cure), adapted to your goals and needs. with our specialists, you will ensure that you're going in the right direction.