Canada Food Guide ( 7 engaged.)
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Surface Electromyography
This diagnostic instrument contributes to our thorough initial exam and re-exams by measuring nerve activity. The ultimate goal of chiropractic care is to normalize nerve activity so the body can heal itself. Being able to actually measure the nervous system on a patient to patient basis in a clinical setting has revolutionised chiropractic practice.
Thermal Imaging
Nerve function causes blood vessels to change diameter. Asymmetries in this process can indicate asymmetry in nervous system function. Thermal imaging can therefore detect autonomic nervous system dysfunction.
X-Ray Imaging
A majority of new patients are x-rayed to help determine how long spinal segments have been dysfunctional (stuck). Often patients present with pain that has been there only a short period of time. It is common that the painful segment has been dysfunctional for a much longer period of time. X-Rays can help determine how much care a patient needs and help us determine where the adjustments can be applied safely.
This a widely used type of chiropractic adjustment that includes most of the procedures taught at chiropractic colleges. This technique is the most commonly used of all chiropractic techniques and is the one that is used the most within chiropractic practices. The Diversified adjustment entails a high-velocity, low amplitude thrust that usually results in a cavitation (popping sound that you may experience). As the name implies, the Diversified Technique can be used to treat many of the joints in the body.
This is a specific chiropractic method and is a variation of the diversified technique that uses a special table with several segments called drop pieces. These segments can be elevated slightly, so when the thrust is delivered, the table will drop. The drop pieces assist the thrust while minimizing the force used for the adjustment. Cavitation (popping sound) of the joint may or may not occur.
This technique involves using an adjusting instrument. It is a very gentle technique that can work on anybody but is the most method used on infants, the elderly and or smaller joints of the jaw, wrist and ankles.
Extremity Adjusting
This is the application of chiropractic adjustments to joints other than those in the spine, i.e., shoulder, elbow, wrist/hand/finger, hip, knee, ankle/foot/toe.
Rehabilitative Exercises
Specific exercises are given to each new patient. These exercises are tailored for each patients needs to help correct asymmetries. They can decrease adjustment frequency required to keep spinal segments moving properly.
Interferential Therapy
A therapeutic device that sends electrical impulses to the nerve/muscle using pads that conduct the impulses through the skin. This low frequency stimulation that is produced prompts the body to secrete endorphins and other natural pain killers to help relieve pain. The treatment is used to increase circulation, decrease pain and muscle spasm, and facilitate healing of injured soft tissue. As a patient receiving this therapy you will feel a very light tingling sensation in the area where it is being applied.
Hydrocollator Therapy
Application of moist heat to increase circulation and relax musculature, which will decrease the perception of pain.
Intersegmental traction
This table distracts and flexes to decompress specific discs that may have herniated.
Hydroculator therapy
Application of moist heat to increase circulation and relax musculature, which will decrease the perception of pain.