Polyclinique de l'oreille
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The oto-rhino-laryngologists (ORL or ENT) - cervical-facial surgeon is a physician specialized in diseases affecting the head and neck, and more specifically the ears, nose and throat. His or her role is to diagnose and provide required medical and surgical treatment. The ENT also addresses problems related to balance and vertigo. The hearing aids program offered by the Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ), requires medical certification from an ENT. The ENT must attest that the hearing loss is permanent and that there is no counter indication to the use of a hearing aid.

The audiologist is a healthcare professional trained to prevent hearing disorders and to test and assess an individual's hearing or hearing loss in order to identify the inabilities generated by such loss. The audiologist will help the person and his or her friends and family develop communication strategies and other assistive methods to compensate for the hearing loss. The audiologist also provides support to people with tinnitus and helps them to learn to cope with their condition. The audiologist cooperates with the audioprosthesist in identifying and solving problems related to hearing aids. Finally, the audiologist certifies the need for a hearing aid and will recommend assistive listening devices available through the Quebec government programs (RAMQ, CSST (workers compensation), Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), etc)

L’orthophoniste est un professionnel des troubles de la communication humaine. Il évalue et diagnostique les troubles de la parole (articulation, bégaiement, dysarthrie, etc.), du langage (dysphasie, dyslexie, aphasie, autisme, etc.), de la voix (dysphonie, laryngectomie, etc.) de la fonction oropharyngée (dysphagie, ect.), et les retards de langage, associés ou non à des déficiences.

The audioprosthesist is the healthcare professional responsible for selling, fitting, adjusting and replacing hearing aids. Once a certificate attesting to the necessity of a hearing aid has been issued by a doctor, a speech language therapist or an audiologist, you will be referred to an audioprosthesist. He or she helps ensure patients adapt to hearing aids or assistive listening devices, as well as re-adapt to a world of new sounds and to communication. The audioprosthesist works in close collaboration with other healthcare professionals such as, doctors, E.N.T. (ear, nose and throat) doctors, audiologists and speech language therapists, as well as with the patient's relatives and friends.

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