Planet Ice - South Coquitlam Physiotherapy Clinic
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Physiotherapy: Orthopaedic and Sports Injuries/ WCB, ICBC Claims
Physiotherapists-áare body specialists;-áhighly skilled individuals, trained to assess and treat various musculoskeletal and neurological conditions in people of all ages. Physiotherapists can help-áyou gain and/or regain strength, range of motion,-áand function. They can also-áhelp to correct posture, balance, and movement,-áto prevent future injury or chronic pain. The goal of Physiotherapy is always-áto return you to normal-áfunction so that you-áare able to go about your-áactivities of daily living.

What to Expect from Physiotherapy:

There are-á3 important aspects of Physiotherapy: Pain Control, Recovery,-áand Injury Prevention. Depending on your injury or condition, the therapist can use a number of different modalities such as heat, ice, interferential current,-áultrasound waves, and friction massage, to help control pain and inflammation and promote soft tissue healing. To help you fully recover from injury, the therapist will guide you through various stretches and exercises to help you re-gain function, while correcting improper posture-áand implementing-ácorrect body mechanics-áin an effort to prevent future injury.

Commonly Treated Injuries and Conditions:

  • Upper, mid, and low back pain; Neck Pain
  • Sprains/ Strains
  • Shoulder: Rotator Cuff Tear, Frozen Shoudler, Dislocated Shoulder, etc
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Carpal-Tunnel Syndrome
  • Knee: ACL, MCL, PCL, LCL injuries, Meniscal Tears, etc
  • Patellar-Femoral Syndome
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Post Surgical/ Fracture rehab
  • To book an appointment, contact Planet Ice Physiotherapy at 604-552-8898.

Physiotherapy for Work-Related Injuries: WCB Claims.

All of our-áPhysiotherapists at Planet Ice Physiotherapy have a great deal of experience treating a wide variety of work-related injuries. Physiotherapy-átreatment fees are covered by the Worker's Compensation Board, as long as the treatment has been pre-approved by-áthe WorkSafe BC Claim Manager.

Filing a claim:

If you have suffered a work-related injury, you are required to file a claim for injuries with your employer. You must then see your family physician in order-áto have all documentation in place-ábefore your claim can be-áaccepted. Once your documentation is complete, you will receive a letter in the mail-ácontaining your WorkSafe BC Claim Number. If your physician referred you to physiotherapy, you can call Planet Ice Physio to set-up your initial and/or subsequent treatment(s) right away.

Booking in for Physiotherapy Treatment:

When calling to book an appointment, you will need the following:

1. Your WorkSafe BC Claim Number (e.g: 1234567)
2. Your date of injury
3. Your Personal Health Number (Care Card Number)

Planet Ice Physio Staff will then contact WorkSafe BC on your behalf to request coverage for physiotherapy treatment.

*If your Claim Manager has not approved physiotherapy before the date of your initial assessment, you will be billed the Private Fee rate (Initial $50/ $45 Subsequent),-áuntil-áyou receive approval for physiotherapy. However, once approval has been granted, all fees paid by you to Planet Ice Physio will be refunded.*

*NOTE: If-áa claim is suspended,-áany unpaid/outstanding physiotherapy treatment fees-áwill be billed directly to the patient at the Private Fee rate. The patient can then submit their receipts to WorkSafe/ Private Insurance for reimbursement.*

Physiotherapy for Motor Vehicle Accident-Related Injuries: ICBC Claims

Physiotherapy is-áan important-ápart of recovery after a motor vehicle accident. Our therapists have a great deal of experience treating common MVA-related injuries-áas a result of-áWhiplash,-áincluding neck, upper back, and shoulder injuries. Our Physiotherapists also play a very active role in rehabilitation after traumatic MVA-related injuries that have required hospitalization and/or surgical intervention. -áICBC covers a *portion of Physiotherapy treatment fees as long as-ácoverage is pre-approved by your ICBC Claim Adjuster.-á

*There is a $20.00 non-refundabe user fee-áapplied to-áALL ICBC-related visits.-áThis fee is due at each treatment.The remainder of the treatment fee is electronically billed directly to ICBC. This coverage must be pre-approved by your ICBC Claim Adjuster.*

Filing a claim for injuries/-á"PART 7" Benefits:

If you have been involved in an MVA,-á-áyou are required to file a claim-áwith ICBC.-áYou will then be assigned an ICBC Claim Number. If you have sustained bodily injuries as a result of the accident, you must-ádocument your injuries and alert your ICBC Claim Adjuster in order-áto-áapply for PART 7 Benefits (if you have legal representation, contact your lawyer about applying on your behalf). Applying for these benefits means that you will be applying for coverage for reasonable/ necessary medical expenses that are a result of an MVA, and are not covered by the Medical Services Plan (MSP) of British Columbia; this includes services such as Physiotherapy. If you have been referred to Physiotherapy for treatment of an injury that is the result of an MVA, you can call Planet Ice Physio to set-up your initial/subsequent treatment(s) right away.

Booking in for Physiotherapy Treatment:

When calling to book an appointment, you will need the following:

1. A Physician's referral (ICBC will not cover treatment that has not been prescribed by a physician)
2. Your ICBC Claim Number (e.g: N123456-7)

Planet Ice Physio Staff will then contact-áyour ICBC Claims Adjuster-áon your behalf to request coverage for Physiotherapy treatment.-áA Claims Adjuster will generally cover treatment in blocks of 6-12 visits. Once these approved treatments have been used up, you will require another referral for Physiotherapy from your physician/ surgeon. Any physiotherapy treatments not pre-approved by your Claim Adjuster will be billed directly to the patient at the Private Fee rate.

*If your ICBC Claim-áAdjuster has not approved physiotherapy before the date of your initial assessment, you will be billed the Private Fee rate (Initial $50/ $45 Subsequent),-áuntil-áyou receive approval for Physiotherapy. However, once approval has been granted, all fees paid by you to Planet Ice Physio will be put towars a credit to cover-áfuture $20.00 user fees, or refunded at your request.*

*NOTE: If-áa claim is-ádenied or suspended,-átreatment fees-áwill be billed directly to the patient at the Private Fee rate. The patient can then submit their receipts to ICBC or an extended Health Plan.*