Canada Food Guide ( 7 engaged.)
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Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries
A wide range of injuries can result from a motor vehicle accident. Our experienced and knowledgeable team can assist you on the road to recovery from various injuries:
Whiplash Associated Disorders
Thoracic Spine Sprain/Strains
Lumbar Spine Sprain/Strains
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction
Chronic Pain
Dizziness and Vertigo
Work Related Injuries (WCB Provider)
Many injuries can occur at work:
Repetitive Strain Injuries
Work-site specific injuries and problems
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Lower Back Pain
Neck and Upper Back Pain
We can treat your injuries using various methods as well as help you identify ergonomic and postural problems related to your injuries
Sports Injuries
A multitude of injuries can occur while participating in sports including various sprains/strains, cartilage problems, sport-specific conditions, ligament tears, and sports training problems. We can provide you with sport-specific rehabilitation programs that will get you back in action faster