Canada Food Guide ( 7 engaged.)
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Hatha Flow
Hatha Yoga is the classical form of yoga postures and breathing that revitalizes the body physically, mentally and spiritually. It is an uplifting practice that increases muscle tone, improves flexibility and concentration, detoxifies the vital organs and allows you to experience a state of deep relaxation. Perfect for beginners and all levels.
Vinyasa Yoga
An ashtanga vinyasa based practice cultivating strength, balance, flexibility and core stability. Leaving you feeling grounded, peaceful and invigorated. The postures are linked with a powerful ujaii breath providing a moving meditation that helps you to deepen awareness to experience your true self. Suitable for all levels.
inyasa Yoga Int-Adv
This class explores intermediate and advanced postures. This class is for the seasoned practitioner.
Restorative Yin Yoga
Developed by Taoist monks as part of their daily routine, yin yoga brings balance to the more yang style practice (Power Flow) facilitating a deep relaxation of mind and body. Yin postures allow for physical openings through the hips, pelvis and spine. This practice deepens your inner awareness of your emotions and promotes self healing. Perfect for beginners and all levels.
Intro to Vinyasa Yoga
Introduces new students to the basics of the Vinyasa Yoga practice: sun salutations, Ujaii breath, bandhas, meditation, pranayam, drishti and the rhythmic flow of the vinyasa system. For those with extreme tightness or injury concerns, modifications for all postures will be given. Suitable for beginners and all levels.
Yoga for Women
This class is specially designed to address the needs of women. The focus of the practice will be on breath, physical posture, mantra and meditation facilitating a deep connection to the true self. Nurture your inner beauty and reconnect with your outer goddess. Perfect for beginners and all levels.
Open Practice
Either be silently led through the ashtanga primary series or come and do your own personal practice in a supportive group environment. Suitable for all levels. Kundalini Yoga Kundalini yoga is a dynamic system centering oneself with mantra, pranayam, specific yoga asana sets, meditation and deep relaxation. It stimulates the nervous system, glandular system and the immune system as it centres the mind and opens the heart and spirit.
Happy, Healthy, Holy: mind body and Spirit. Sadhana
An early morning spiritual practice starting with 15 minute recitation of Jaapji followed by a 45 minute Kundalini yoga set concluding with an hour of chanting the mantras of the Aquarian Age. Sadhana is free and open to all! “Sadhana is where you sit an, dwell in the thoughts and words of the soul, and peel away all the non-reality with the vastness of the spirit” ~Yogi Bhajan.