Canada Food Guide ( 7 engaged.)
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Lynn Valley Optometry Clinic provides:
- Comprehensive Eye Examinations for All Ages, including Infants and Preschoolers
- Full Service Optical with In-house Lab
- Contact Lens Fitting and Follow-up, including Bifocal, Disposable and Astigmatism Lenses
- Ortho-K (AOK) -- Non-surgical Correction or Reduction of Nearsightedness
- Treatment of Eye Diseases and Co-Management of Surgery
- Vision Therapy for All Ages
- Treatment for Learning-related Vision Problems, including ADD/ADHD, Dyslexia, Reading, and Tracking Problems, etc.
- Treatment for Binocular Vision Conditions, such as Amblyopia (lazy eye), Convergence Insufficiency (near vision disorder), Diplopia (double vision), Lack of Stereopsis (two-eyed depth perception), and Strabismus (cross-eyed, wandering eye, eye turns, etc.)
- Visual Rehabilitation for Special Populations, including Autism Spectrum Disorders, Patients with Traumatic Brain Injuries, Whiplash, Developmental Delays, etc.
- Treatment for Stress-related Visual Problems, including Blurred Vision, Visual Stress from Reading and Computers, Eye Strain Headaches, and/or Vision-induced Stomachaches or Motion Sickness
- Laser Vision Correction (LASIK) Co-management and Consultation
- Low Vision Aids and Services for the Partially-Sighted
- Sports Vision Correction and/or Improvement