Jason Phelps Psychotherapist
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Psychotherapy services in person, by phone, or via the internet…

In Person
All psychotherapy services are offered in person during 50 minute face-to-face sessions at Jason Phelps' Montreal office at the Nicolet Psychotherapy Clinic. It is recommended that early therapy work be done on a weekly basis with at least one or two sessions per week. As improvements are experienced, session spacing can be become more flexible, a transition to phone sessions can also be made.

By Phone
Jason Phelps offers phone therapy services to existing clients in between sessions or when they are out of town. Psychotherapy services are also offered by phone to people who live outside of the greater Montreal area or who find it difficult to make the trip to the Nicolet Psychotherapy Clinic. Phone counseling sessions can last anywhere between 5 and 50 minutes and Jason Phelps uses internet technology to make long-distance calling available for free or at strongly reduced rates.

Via the Internet

Jason Phelps offers E-Mail, Voice & Webcam psychotherapy services to existing clients in between sessions or when they are out of town. These services may also be available to clients who are unable to get to the Nicolet Psychotherapy Clinique due to scheduling conflicts, long distances or disability. Access to these services requires some degree of familiarity with the technology, a high-speed internet connection, & the necessary equipment for voice and/or video transmission.

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