Canada Food Guide ( 7 engaged.)
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Why choose Foot-FX?.
1. Full product line. We carry a complete line of foot products from inexpensive heel cushions to shoes and custom made orthotics , fitted correctly by a certified pedorthist in a relaxed retail setting. You often won't need a custom orthotic to solve your problem.
2. Certified Pedorthist (C.Ped.) Anyone can sell you orthotics and many uncredentialed individuals operate in Canada. Certified Pedorthists are governed by international bodies that sets standards of practice by their Code of Ethics that ensures accountability and your protection.
3. Complete in-house process. From start to finish, the same qualified individual performs the assessment, impressions, corrections, makes the orthotics, and does all the follow up at our convenient Merivale Road location.
4. Custom crafted. In a "one size fits most" world, we take pride in individually hand crafting your orthotics from actual models of your feet. We do not have a glossy catalogue of orthotic types, but build each pair from the slimmest most durable materials available to suit your footwear & lifestyle.
At Foot-FX, we recognize not everyone can aford a custom made orthotic especially if you are not covered by an extended health plan. At approximately half the cost of a custom orthotic made by creating a plaster model of your feet, we offer a direct moulded custom orthotic. These custom orthotics can be just as effective with the added benefit that they will last for many years and can be remoulded if your feet change. They are extremely slim taking up very little room in your shoes and can be ready for you the same day for instant relief.