Active Health & Wellness Clinic Contact info Like Me 2 • Refer Me 3 Related Treatment Videos Extra Supplements to Consider in Pregnancy Herbal Supplements in Pregnancy Managing Nausea in Pregnancy Pregnancy and Naturopathy Safe Foods During Pregnancy ( 101 engaged.) Open and print the educational action plan for conversation with your Healthcare provider. Close 97-100 People got two or more of these video questions wrong... ( 36 participated.) Herbs and Supplements in Pregnancy Questions True False 1 People who are vegetarians or vegans should make sure they are getting enough protein, iron and B12 in their diets during pregnancy. Explanation: People who are vegetarians or vegans should make sure they are getting enough protein, iron and B12 in their diets during pregnancy. Typically, iron and B12 are more easily absorbed through animal products. If you are vegetarian and you are pregnancy, it's important to be mindful of these important nutritional factors. 2 People who are low dairy, or non dairy consumers need to be mindful of their calcium intake during pregnancy. Explanation: People who are low dairy, or non dairy consumers need to be mindful of their calcium intake during pregnancy. 3 Folic acid is an important supplement during pregnancy, particularly for patients that are over weight, Obese, over the age of 35, or who have a family history of neural tube defects. Explanation: Folic acid is an important supplement during pregnancy, particularly for patients that are over weight, Obese, over the age of 35, or who have a family history of neural tube defects. 4 Vitamin D deficiencies are applicable to almost anyone and is something to consider during pregnancy. Explanation: Vitamin D deficiencies are most prevalent in people the live in northern latitudes where they don't get enough sunshine during winter months, darker skin individuals or those people who are obese. Check Answers What is Active Health? Active Health & Wellness Clinic Practitioners Dr. Sean Renshaw Chiropractor Victoria, BC Online Booking Dr. Sean Starr Chiropractor Victoria, BC Online Booking Hannah White Massage Therapist Victoria, BC Online Booking Megan Chalmers Massage Therapist Victoria, BC Online Booking