Ms. Sarah Ware, Registered Dietitian, North Vancouver, BC

Ms. Sarah Ware

Ms. Sarah Ware

Registered Dietitian
North Vancouver, BC
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Ms. Sarah Ware Bio

Sarah Ware brings over 10 years experience working as a Registered Dietitian (RD) and has helped thousands of clients meet and exceed their nutritional goals. Sarah has practiced in various healthcare environments from hospitals and diabetes education centres to private healthcare facilities along with running her own private practice. Sarah brings a wealth of knowledge on how food and nutrition can help manage various health conditions and optimize overall health. Born and raised in Calgary, AB, Sarah moved to Vancouver where she completed her Bachelor of Science (Dietetics) from the University of British Columbia and proceeded to complete the dietetic internship program at Royal Columbian Hospital in New Westminster. She currently resides in North Vancouver and is an active member of the College of Dietitians of British Columbia. Sarah's formal education/certifications includes: * Bachelor of Science (Honours) Degree from the University of British Columbia * Registered Dietitian * Former Certified Diabetes Educator

Ms. Sarah Ware, Registered Dietitian, North Vancouver BC, is in good standing with the Dietitians of Canada,

Ms. Sarah Ware, Registered Dietitian, North Vancouver BC,

If you are looking for local services or  treatment  in the office or hospital from a Registered Dietitian, contact a provider such as ( Ms. Sarah Ware ) to inquire if they are accepting patients or you need a referral.  

The speaker in the video may have no association with ( Ms. Sarah Ware, Registered Dietitian North Vancouver, BC ). 
( Ms. Sarah Ware, Registered Dietitian North Vancouver, BC ), ( Ms. Sarah Ware ) is in good standing with the Dietitians of Canada,

Keywords: Healthy Eating: Healthy Protein, Healthy Eating: Diets and Weigt Loss, Healthy Eating: Inflammatory Foods & Nutrition, Healthy Eating: Truth About Fast Food, Healthy Eating: Digestion and Digestive Disorders

 Always talk with your Registered Dietitian about the information you learnt from the videos in regards to High Fibre vs Low Fibre Diet treatments and procedures the Registered Dietitian could  perform and if they would be appropriate for you. Remember good information from your Registered Dietitian  is the corner stone to understanding Protein  in conjunction with your condition or disease.

Please contact ( Ms. Sarah Ware, Registered Dietitian North Vancouver, BC ) to enquire if this health care provider is accepting new patients.


Recent Health Talks Authored by Ms. Sarah Ware

  • Managing Constipation In a Child " Marcus an active 8-year-old, has complained to his mother about tummy aches "

    Marcus, an active 8-year-old, has complained to his mother about tummy aches and pain when he tries to "go number 2". He shares that he can't go very often, but when he does it is lumpy and hurts. His mom takes him to their family doctor, who identifies the issue as acute constipation. Marcus' mom mentions Marcus is a bit of a picky eater - she has a difficult time getting him to drink fluids, especially after soccer practices and games, he prefers his sandwiches on white bread, and doesn't like to eat his vegetables.

    The doctor recommends Marcus and his mom talk to a Registered Dietitian to see how Marcus can get more fiber into his diet and come up with some ways to stay hydrated throughout the day. Additionally, discussing the use of mild laxatives with both the dietitian and doctor may be appropriate. If Marcus's constipation doesn't resolve his mother should consider seeing a pediatric gastroenterologist or pediatrician to talk about long term management of his constipation.

  • Does Chronic Smoking Affect Your Heart?  " Jeanine is a 45-year-old construction worker who has been smoking "

    Jeanine is a 45-year-old construction worker who has been smoking since she was 17 years old. She usually works 8 hours per day in varying weather conditions. Recently, on a very hot day, she fainted at her work site and was taken to an urgent care clinic. When she had regained consciousness and was discussing with the urgent care doctor, Jeanine said she doesn't feel like eating much during the day even though her work is very physically demanding. When she does eat during her breaks, she prefers to snack on foods that are easy to bring with her and don't take any preparation such as chips, cookies, or granola bars. She says she would like to quit smoking because her father, a heavy smoker, died of a heart attack after struggling for many years with heart disease worsened by his smoking.

    Jeanine would benefit from seeing her physician or a cardiologist to assess her risk of heart disease and learn more about nicotine replacement therapy or medications that will help her quite smoking. Meeting with a Registered Dietitian would also be beneficial to discuss strategies for replacing her current snacks with more nutrient-dense ones, and addressing nutritional deficiencies she may be experiencing as a result of her poor appetite. Jeanine could also visit an endocrinologist to ensure her appetite hormones are adequately balanced. Additionally, a wellness coach may be able to help Jeanine develop some attainable habits that will support her health goals.

  • Controlling Blood Glucose Levels Through Diet and Exercise

    Debbie is a 64-year-old grandmother and has been pre-diabetic for almost 10 years. Her fasting blood sugars range from 5.6 - 6.8 and her post-meal blood sugars remain in the healthy range. Debbie’s haemoglobin A1C is stable at 6%. Her blood pressure is in the normal-to-low range and her cholesterol levels are slightly high. She takes no medication at this time and her goal is to always manage her health through diet and exercise alone.

    At her recent check-up with her family doctor Debbie was informed that although her weight had not increased her waist circumference had. This signifies a greater health risk, as it tends to suggest an accumulation of intra-abdominal visceral fat. She too has noticed that although her weight remains stable there has been an upwards shift of fat that seems to be accumulating between the belly button and rib area, making her very uncomfortable.

    Debbie has tried numerous diets over the years to keep her weight as low as possible and has incorporated many tips provided by a dietitian that she saw in the past. She walks a few times a week and also takes at least two Zumba classes.

    Debbie feels she has exhausted all options for getting rid of the abdominal fat from a diet perspective. She is tired of thinking about good foods vs. bad foods and what she should do every time she goes to eat something.

    Debbie's family doctor has suggested she re-visit the idea of a dietitian consultation for some metabolism-boosting suggestions. The physician has also suggested an appointment with a personal trainer to help strengthen and build muscle, which could further boost metabolism and promote fat loss. Doing yoga or pilates may also help increase her metabolism and contribute to overall strength and fitness.

Recent Health Talk Comments by Ms. Sarah Ware

Ratings for Ms. Sarah Ware

  • 5
    Local Services
    Action Plan
    Would recommend Ms. Sarah Ware to anyone looking for a great Registered Dietitian in North Vancouver.
    Submitted: January 23, 2016
  • 5
    Local Services
    Action Plan
    Was referred to Sarah by my family doctor and was happy I went to see her. Sarah really got me thinking about food choices and what I thought were good food choices. Would recommend Sarah Ware to any one looking for a nutritionist.
    Submitted: January 14, 2016
  • 5
    Local Services
    Action Plan
    Really like Sarah Ware's no nonsense approach to food and understanding of food. I would recommend saran to anyone looking for help with food and food choices as she will give you lots of good information to make smart choices.
    Submitted: January 13, 2016

Registered Dietitian Health Talks – Take a look at your local options in North Vancouver

  • nutrition diet
    You may have tried all sorts of diets, but if Weight Loss and Slow Metabolism play a role, you might need help from someone who can assist you with meal planning and nutrition. For more information, you should consider visiting a Registered Dietitian in North Vancouver, BC, such as Ms. Sarah Ware.

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