Heart Failure - Planning Annual Visits With Your Family Physician

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 Family Physician, discusses Annual Heart Failure Planning Visits.

 Family Physician, discusses Annual Heart Failure Planning Visits.

Video transcript

Featuring Dr. Daniel Ngui, BSc (P.T), MD, CFPC, FCFP
,Annual Heart Failure Planning Visits with your Family Physician
Duration: 2 minutes, 6 seconds

To diagnose heart failure, there are several aspects, including a physical exam, a very thorough history, some lab tests, and even some special imaging.

An echocardiogram, which is a special ultra sound of the function of the heart, can be key in terms of the diagnosis. Once you have a clear diagnosis of congestive heart failure, your family physician, your specialist, your chronic disease nurse, or pharmacist will sit down with you and talk about prevention of flare-ups and maintenance of your heart function. We can achieve that through lifestyle measures, as well as pharmaceutical management.

The medications are designed to help the pumping of your heart, and to get rid of the overflow, and the overwork of your heart. A key aspect is chronic disease, heart failure self-management.

It’s important if you have any questions or any concerns that you make an appointment to speak to your physician or your local expert. Treatment vary according to patient as well physician, so once again, make an appointment and speak to your physician.

French Translation Featuring Dr. Daniel Ngui, BSc (P.T), MD, CFPC, FCFP
,Annual Heart Failure Planning Visits with your Family Physician
Duration: 2 minutes, 6 seconds

Pour diagnostiquer l'insuffisance cardiaque, il y a plusieurs aspects, y compris un examen physique, une histoire très approfondie, quelques tests de laboratoire, et même une certaine imagerie spéciale.

Un échocardiogramme, qui est un son ultra spécial de la fonction du coeur, peut être clé en termes de diagnostic. Une fois que vous avez un diagnostic clair de l'insuffisance cardiaque congestive, votre médecin de famille, votre spécialiste, votre infirmière de maladie chronique, ou pharmacien s'asseyent avec vous et parlent de la prévention des poussées-UPS et de l'entretien de votre fonction de coeur. Nous pouvons y parvenir grâce à des mesures de style de vie, ainsi qu'à la gestion pharmaceutique.

Les médicaments sont conçus pour aider le pompage de votre cœur, et de se débarrasser de la débordement, et le surmenage de votre cœur. Un aspect clé est la maladie chronique, l'auto-gestion de l'insuffisance cardiaque.

Il est important si vous avez des questions ou des préoccupations que vous prendre un rendez-vous pour parler à votre médecin ou votre expert local. Le traitement varient selon le patient ainsi que le médecin, donc une fois de plus, prendre un rendez-vous et parler à votre médecin.

Presenter: Dr. Daniel Ngui, Family Doctor, Vancouver, BC

Local Practitioners: Family Doctor

Premier Practitioners

Dr. Philip Joseph

Dr. Philip Joseph

Hamilton, ON
Dr. Sacha Bhatia

Dr. Sacha Bhatia

Toronto, ON
Dr. Michael Platonov

Dr. Michael Platonov

MD FRCP(C) Director of Arrhythmia program
Mississauga, ON

This content is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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