Coastal Roots Health Centre
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Hello Coastal Roots Friends and Family! Coastal Roots Health is proud to be fully open and continuing to doing our part to keep our community Healthy and Safe. When making an appointment, you will first be provided a Covid-19 screening questionnaire to complete. Once you have passed with flying colours, we ask that you present in a clean state (preferably after bathing), wear your favorite mask if you have one, come donning clean clothing, and wait outside the clinic or within your car for a call from our front staff when your appointment is ready. Upon entering the clinic, we ask that you immediately use our sanitizing station to clean your hands and try not to touch anything within the clinic. We will do our best to swiftly direct you into your treatment room for a much earned treatment from your preferred health practitioner. Following your treatment, we ask that you continue to practice proper social distancing, as best as possible, when paying for your treatment (tap is available). We look forward to knowing that your body is in a better place and will look forward to our next experience together. You should be comforted to know that we are working diligently behind the scenes to continue creating a safe environment for all. All staff and practitioners follow detailed protocols to allow for the safest environment possible. We appreciate You and look forward to seeing everyone soon, Your Coastal Roots Health Team

Coastal Roots Health Centre Practitioners

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